How to Cover a Hickey with Makeup

How to Cover a Hickey with Makeup
How to Cover a Hickey with Makeup

Looking for the fastest way to cover up hickey with makeup? We are safe. Everyone screams from time to time, and while that’s not a big deal for most of us, it can be a lot of fun, especially if you’re young and a little embarrassed about it.

Or maybe you don’t want to go to school or work with a sore neck or lip.

No matter who you are or what situation you are in, here is a guide to understanding and turning off the chips.

What Is A Hickey?

Even if you know what sweat is (who doesn’t know)? Still remember exactly how it happened. Sweat is a “love bite”. This is basically a bruise that occurs after a small bite on the neck or lip.

After a bite, it can take several hours for a bruise to form. Even a light, sensitive bite can cause a large, dark bruise if you have sensitive skin.

It can take several hours for a bruise to form, so there are some preventative measures you can take to prevent the bruise from becoming too noticeable.

  • Take a tool or object with a smooth surface and gently scrub (don’t scrub) the area. Your fingers can work too. Do this for at least 30 minutes.
  • When you notice swelling, ice the area to avoid bruising.
  • Apply aloe vera on the area. This is good alternative medicine.

How to Cover Up A Lip Hickey With Makeup?

Lip pulling can be really annoying because it can easily be mistaken for violence. If you don’t want people to get the wrong idea and you think your spouse or someone else is abusing you, you should learn to cover them properly.

It covers the lips that mainly result from trying on the darker shades of the lipstick. Dark or pink is usually a good choice. Not comfortable with dark red or plum lipstick? To even out the color of your lipstick, it is helpful to first apply a concealer or pink blush.

Lip color might be better if the lipstick doesn’t seem to work. Nude lipstick or lip tint will probably not work. If the sweat is not noticeable, you can go out with a tinted lip gloss.

If you have bruises around your lips, use a color concealer as you would any other bruise.

Mix some of your regular concealer with a small green or reddish / orange concealer (depending on the color of the blue member) and apply to the pressed skin around the lips with an eyeliner brush. Then apply the powder for full coverage.

How to Cover a Hickey with a Color Corrector?

This is one of the best ways to cover up makeup with makeup. Now that you have an idea of the colors you want to use, it’s time to use the color corrector.

DO NOT use anything too creamy as it will slip, flake and fall on your neck. Make sure your skin is clean and dry, then gently pat the color concealer on the affected area with your fingers.

The next step is to seal it with the concealer. A regular concealer you use on your face may not work because the neckline may be a tone lighter or darker than your skin. Touch it like a color corrector. Finish with some shimmer powder to keep makeup in place.

How to Cover Up a Hickey with Just Concealer?

Don’t have a color corrector handy? Many teenagers with healthy skin don’t. Fortunately, you can improvise using just the concealer. It is recommended to use a thicker concealer as it covers the entire slide more easily. Apply with a brush, tapping: several coats may be required.

If the concealer itself doesn’t seem to work, use a matching lip liner instead of a color concealer.

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